Snooker, a beloved cue sport that has fascinated countless individuals worldwide for many decades, is renowned for its precision, skill, strategy, and focus, making it an incredibly demanding and gratifying sport. In this article, we shall delve into the captivating history of snooker, its comprehensive rules and regulations, and the extraordinary techniques and strategies that players employ to excel in this remarkable game.
Snooker, which originated in the latter half of the 19th century, was ingeniously devised by British Army officers stationed in India. Initially, it was a variation of billiards played on a rectangular table featuring six pockets and fifteen red balls. As time elapsed, the game evolved to incorporate colored balls and specific regulations dictating the order in which the balls must be potting.
During the early 20th century, snooker escalated in popularity throughout England and various other regions worldwide, culminating in the establishment of the prestigious